Home Inspection Scheduled? Make the Most of it

Home Inspection Scheduled? Make the Most of it

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You and your soon-to-be new home have been introduced, but there is a lot you do not know about it yet. The home inspection will get you two a little better acquainted. Plus, depending on the outcome, you may end up negotiating a better price!

  1. Hire the Right Inspector

A home inspection is a very big deal that can affect your long-term future. So, hiring the right inspector is crucial. You are probably asking, “Who is the right inspector, and how will I know when I find him?” Simply put, they will be a professional with great reviews and maybe even references.

  1. Obtain Proper Documents

In many cases the seller will provide property disclosures. In some states it is the law. This will disclose any problems that the seller is aware of. You should also order a building report. This is fairly inexpensive and it provides valuable information concerning permits issued and closed, zoning information, violations, etc.

  1. What and When to Ask

Don’t wait until your inspector is in the middle of doing something to start asking about a totally unrelated topic on the other side of the house. Create a list of all the questions you need answers to or concerns you want evaluated. This should be presented at the beginning of the home inspection, so they have an idea of what answers they should be ready to provide you with when they are finished.

  1. Be a Sponge

Ask your inspector ahead of time (preferably when you schedule the appointment), if they mind if you tag along. This can be helpful if you would not begin to even know where the fuse box or hot water heater is. Not every inspector will let you do this, so make sure you ask ahead of time.

  1. Plan for the Future

Now that you are a little more familiar with the home, you can create a maintenance plan. You can also make a timeline to help make sure you tackle the more pressing issues first and then design a schedule for everything else that needs to get done. This way nothing will get forgotten.

Of all the elements that go into a real estate transaction, the home inspection is one of the most important. This may seem like just another expense to you, but it will play a significant role in your financial future.

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